Posts about Insights and advice for your teaching programs (3)

How Interactive Learning Games use AI to Teach Business Skills Effectively
Interactive learning games are a useful and engaging way of teaching key business skills to...

Three Ways to Close the Digital Transformation Skills Gap
We are experiencing a very modern type of labour shortage known as the ‘digital transformational...
Critical Business Skills That Only Business Education Games Can Teach
There are certain business skills that you can only learn by taking action. All of the business...
What Teaching Methods Should Business Education Professors Apply?
Professors around the globe face many challenges in educating future workforce. Recruiters look to...
The future of the professor
We know higher education is evolving, but how will these changes impact the future of the professor...
How I Enrich My Markstrat Programs: Tips from a Long-Term Instructor
By Robert Duke, Senior Teaching Fellow, Leeds University Business School, UK