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Marketing in the Circular Economy with Circular Markstrat


Navy Light Blue Professional Gradient  Business Website (3)-min

Develop future-fit, circular savvy marketers

Circular Markstrat is a circular economy marketing simulation built on the renowned model of the #1 digital marketing simulation Digital Markstrat, while combining marketing strategy & digital principles for the circular economy era. It will challenge your participants to adopt a sustainability mindset and embrace the circular economy through strategic marketing. 

By running a company in a highly competitive, digital & eco-sensitive market, learners will grasp key marketing fundamentals with circular economy principles as the focus.

SPI Eco Score


Assess performance with a Share Price Index (SPI) 

To succeed, teams must make decisions to optimize their Share Price Index, which includes their overall business performance (Financial Price Index). But they also need to pay attention to their Eco-Score, which measures sustainability characteristics of a brand and circular company initiatives

Circular Economy principles in action

Instructors and participants share their feedback playing Circular Markstrat in the first-ever pilot program that took place at the UC Louvain School of Management. 


Key concepts

Sustainable marketing strategy

Segmentation & positioning in a digital & eco-sensitive market

Brand portfolio management

Key concepts

Sustainable marketing strategy

Segmentation & positioning in a digital & eco-sensitive market

Brand portfolio management

Put into practice

Design eco-friendly products & business processes

Reduce a business's carbon footprint

Comprehend and avoid greenwashing practices

Target eco-conscious consumer segments

Adopt digital transformation for environmental good

Discover how sustainability & profitability can be synergistic

Put into practice

Design eco-friendly products & business processes

Reduce a business's carbon footprint

Comprehend and avoid greenwashing practices

Target eco-conscious consumer segments

Adopt digital transformation for environmental good

Discover how sustainability & profitability can be synergistic

Circular Markstrat features

  • A cloud-based learning tool
  • Modern interface and intuitive navigation
  • Built-in assessment tools 
  • Use for remote, blended or face-to-face programs 
  • Comprehensive teaching toolkit with insights on the circular economy 
Circular Screenshots (1)

The industry



B2C - Durable Goods

Your participants will manage the marketing department of an electronics division of a large corporation. They will compete with several other firms to market durable goods to consumers and will be responsible for formulating and implementing the long-term marketing strategy of their division. Participants must focus on sustainability decisions such as developing eco-friendly products and processes and digital marketing strategy tactics.  

Circular Markstrat will give your participants the ultimate immersive experience of working in the B2C industry in the circular economy era.



Prepare marketers to thrive in the Circular Economy with Circular Markstrat