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Discover how our simulations can generate unforgettable learning moments and long-lasting outcomes for your learners.
We'll show you:
Pedagogical outcomes our simulations provide
The ins and outs of our simulations
A first-hand view of the instructor and participant experience
We will tailor the demo to your specific needs.
Just let us know your objectives and we will be happy to accommodate you.
See why users are raving.
"There are very few things I've had in my career where I've literally had students waiting on the edge of their seats to see what comes next."
- Professor Alan Malter, University of Illinois
"StratX Simulations provided us with an opportunity to boost teamwork, define strategy and implement it within an entire organization. The passion generated by making decisions really stood out to me."
- Antoine Billa, Global Market Manager, Roquette
*Demos are for instructors or professionals only. We do not provide demos for students.
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