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[Video] Embrace the Third Sales Transformation with Value Capture Selling - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our blog series diving into the transformative insights of "Value Capture Selling" the latest book by StratX Simulations founder J.C. Larreche. In this video, Selling Power CEO Gerhard Gschwandtner explores the groundbreaking approach that goes beyond customer value creation to capture corporate value. Join us as we continue to uncover the essence of this sales revolution.


Embracing the Third Sales Transformation:

Equip yourself with the ammunition to excel in what Larreche calls the "Third Sales Transformation", which is selling for corporate value creation. Gschwandtner highly recommends "Value Capture Selling" for CSOs, VPs of Sales, and sales enablement professionals. This book propels you into the era of capturing corporate value, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve in the evolving sales landscape.

Cascading Knowledge Throughout Your Sales Team:

Don't keep this invaluable resource to yourself. Share the transformative power of "Value Capture Selling" with your sales team. By applying Larreche's strategies, your team can effectively capture more value for your company. Empower your entire sales force to embrace this revolutionary approach and propel your organization to new heights.

The Sales Book of the Decade:

Prepare for a paradigm shift in sales strategies. According to Gschwandtner, "Value Capture Selling" is set to become the sales book of the decade. With its fresh perspective on capturing corporate value, Larreche's book offers a game-changing framework for success in the modern sales landscape. Immerse yourself in this revolutionary guide.

Ten Memorable Quotes from "The Momentum Effect":

As an added bonus, Gschwandtner shares ten impactful quotes from Larreche's previous work, "The Momentum Effect." These quotes encapsulate the essence of momentum-driven success and provide valuable insights for sales professionals. Stay inspired and leverage the power of momentum.

Bring "Value Capture Selling" to Life with the REVMANEX Sales Simulator:

Enhance your sales journey by incorporating the practical application of the REVMANEX sales simulator from StratX Simulations. This powerful tool allows you to simulate real-world sales scenarios, applying the principles discussed in the book. Combine the knowledge gained from "Value Capture Selling" with the hands-on experience of REVMANEX to elevate your sales skills.


Part 2 of our blog series has delved into the groundbreaking insights of "Value Capture Selling." Embrace this sales revolution, focusing on capturing corporate value for extraordinary results. Don't miss the opportunity to pre-order "Value Capture Selling." You can also experience the sales transformation firsthand and unlock the secrets to creating lasting value for your customers, employees, and shareholders by employing the REVMANEX Sales Simulator and take your practical sales skills to new heights.